Halloween was fun. We met up with a bunch of friends and children at a downtown coffee shop, completely disrupting anyone trying to get anything done. As babies collapsed, one by one, into emotional breakdowns, mothers peeled away, and Keli, Jess, and I headed out to troll downtown Bozeman for candy. There was quite a crowd, but our kids had a blast and were well behaved (no running into the street or anything like that). We finished up by having dinner at MacKenzie River with Zach and Dan. Yum-yum - my new budget has sharply curtailed eating out, so it was a special treat, especially with such good friends.
Blake was sent a little Halloween money by Grampa Steve & Grammie Patsy, so we took that today and rode the cars/motorcycles/trains at the mall, which Blake loves, loves, loves. He got to pick whatever he wanted, and when the money was gone, it was gone. He then climbed into the little ice cream truck for some make-believe play.
I sat in a chair next to the ride and asked for a vanilla cone. He looked a little confused, then turned, pretended to pick one off the wall, and handed it to me. I slurped it and asked for another. He proceed to hand me cone after cone, saying, "Here's a pink one!" or "Here's a brown one!" then abruptly said, "Bye! See you next time!" After turning the wheel a few times, he started to hand them out again...and then said, "That's all you get! Bye!"
When he "came around" again, I was handed a cone, which I promptly dropped. "Uh-oh!" I said, "I dropped it!"
He looked at the floor under my hand, climbed out of the truck, and said, "That's ok. I keem it up," while wiping the floor like he had a rag in his hand. We then carried a cone all the way to the Buckle for Lane, him holding his hand in a fist the whole way, saying, "Careful - don't drip!"
Thatta boy.
Blake was sent a little Halloween money by Grampa Steve & Grammie Patsy, so we took that today and rode the cars/motorcycles/trains at the mall, which Blake loves, loves, loves. He got to pick whatever he wanted, and when the money was gone, it was gone. He then climbed into the little ice cream truck for some make-believe play.
I sat in a chair next to the ride and asked for a vanilla cone. He looked a little confused, then turned, pretended to pick one off the wall, and handed it to me. I slurped it and asked for another. He proceed to hand me cone after cone, saying, "Here's a pink one!" or "Here's a brown one!" then abruptly said, "Bye! See you next time!" After turning the wheel a few times, he started to hand them out again...and then said, "That's all you get! Bye!"
When he "came around" again, I was handed a cone, which I promptly dropped. "Uh-oh!" I said, "I dropped it!"
He looked at the floor under my hand, climbed out of the truck, and said, "That's ok. I keem it up," while wiping the floor like he had a rag in his hand. We then carried a cone all the way to the Buckle for Lane, him holding his hand in a fist the whole way, saying, "Careful - don't drip!"
Thatta boy.
I sure love all those sweet kids! Wonderful to have a great circle of friends to share life.
But you know, that Blakester is a hoot and I'm sure the Mason and Smitty are gonna be the same as they are beginning to show their colors! I'm excited to be there this weekend to see all the colors--purple hair too.
My mom, sister, and I laughed out loud when I read them the story about Blake! So funny!
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