Tuesday, November 4, 2008


I'll now wait patiently for Barack Obama to solve all my problems (thanks Jake!).

That's what he was planning on, right?


Anonymous said...

I don't know about you, but I'm quitting and going on welfare! WOOT!

Anonymous said...

I am having a lazy day to celebrate Obama's election. If something really needs to be done, to govt. will now do it for me--yeah! They contiually proove themselves highly proficient in all matters.

Praise God, that no matter who was elected, He still reigns. Jesus is still on the throne and take my freedoms, but you can't take Him out of my heart.

Rob Bedford said...

I wish he were president already. I had to pay my own mortgage this morning! The unfairness of it all! oye vey!


Joy Joy said...

Ya'll are naysayers!!