Monday, February 9, 2009

weather girl

We wrapped the Weather Channel interview a little bit ago. Blake and I bookended it by a trip to the doctor for a diagnosis of a double ear infection, then a trip to the pharmacy to pick up the medicine. Poor buddy - the drive back from Billings yesterday was brutal. All the change in elevation had him crying out in pain often, which broke my heart. Thankfully, we're on the mend now!

The interview went really well, and I only got misty once. The guys that were here were amazing. Joe, the cameraman, played with Blake quietly in his room once we were filming. Eric, the sound guy, shared with me (post interview) that he'd recently come to Jesus, and he could see God's grace threaded through the whole story. He asked me to get in touch with him so he could plug into a body of believers for fellowship. Amazing! And David, the interviewer, was so respectful and kind - he clearly had a soft heart for us and our story.

I got to reminisce fondly about big Blake, gush proudly about little Blake, and even point to answered prayers in the loving presence of Rob in our lives. It was a real blessing to share in our lives with these folks (and, consequently, anyone else who watches the Weather Channel), and the knowledge that this story continues to resonate with others and make an impact is reassuring, somehow.

I'll keep you posted as to an air date and all that good stuff. Might be a few months, so let's all figure out how to be patient, okay?


Sharon said...

WOW!!! You have had a full week,Addie...trusting that God will use this interview and connection with a new believer for His glory -- and to extend His kingdom... Have a blessed week,

Lindsey K said...

no joke my father in law watches the weather channel constantly. I think storm stories is his favorite, so I am guaranteed not only to see the interview but also to score points that my friend was on the channel!

Erica Burkhalter said...

Having only heard about your story from the way outside, I am encouraged that God truly has a perfect plan for the situations he allows in our lives. I have cried many times reading your blogs and admire your strength and your faith. You truly are an inspiration and Rob is one heck of a lucky dude! I wish you only the best in the years to are certainly worthy of that!

Ashley said...

Having heard the story told over and over myself I can only imagine how special and hard this interview was for you. I'm anxious to see it and I'm so happy for you and the new adventures and blessings in your life.

Anonymous said...

As Kasey and I read this we remembered standing in Ray and Meg's kitchen wondering how this tragedy woud work for God's kingdom. Keep telling your story, and we will keep laughing, crying, and praising with you.