Saturday, June 13, 2009

i'm still a rose, you betcha

I have two Costco cards: one with the old name, one with the new. My checkbook has my old name... which is why I have two Costco cards. I need to be able to prove that I'm still the same person so that they'll just let me pay for all the stuff I picked up, because despite walking in to buy contact solution, I've found avocados, frozen chicken, pesto, chicken stock, vitamin B, baby wipes, and batteries. Not only do I not have a cart for all these things, I don't have matching driver's license, checkbook, and Costco card, which is what those Nazis want before they'll take your money.

Upon handing the checker (male) my check and membership cards, then explaining the name change and circumstances surrounding it, the guy says, "And you haven't changed your name everywhere yet?! You really need to get on that."

At which point I ask him how many times he's changed his name, because did he realize that it is a LOT of work?

"Well, I've been married twice!" he replies with a smile.

"Congratulations. And how many times have YOU changed YOUR name?"

"Oh... Right... Well, I guess you have a point there."

I know I do. My life is infinitely more complicated than it was when I married Blake, so changing my name everywhere has been, well, infinitely more complicated. Social Security, three or four email accounts, driver's license (I got a CUTE picture!), banking (checking, debit, retirement and investment accounts, online account), credit card, health/life/auto/home insurances, mortgage, voting registration, utilities company, homeowner's association, work-related accounts, preschool, doctors' offices, Costco, Hastings, AllTel, Bresnan, Campus Crusade, Facebook... and I'm sure there are more.

I don't think Rob's yet completed a change of address form and he gets to stand when he pees. Boys have it so easy!


Unknown said...

There's no judgment coming from this corner. I have multiple account's with my old name (*cough*andmyMTdriverslicense*cough*) that I haven't changed yet.

It's ok. my Social Security and marriage license say the right name... :D

lanerdoo said...

I still haven't changed everything either! It is a lot of work and usually when I have time, I'd rather be blogging or playing spider solitaire.
Regarding your new license... prove it, I know you have a scanner :)

Becky W-D said...

Well, on the flip side, when boys do want to change their last names it is nearly IMPOSSIBLE. It took us THREE times to the social security office before we finally got someone who realized that Roger was just as entitled to change his last name as I was. It was ridiculous!