Tuesday, August 20, 2013

and just like that...

So, this post by Jai was lovely to my heart today, especially with all the dancing she links to. The reminder that her kids are too full of life and joy and happiness to live in sad, cancer-world all the time was a good one. I'd be more respectful by remembering that more often and enjoying this day that's set before me!

And I just had to share the following conversation between Rob and I. We're in the midst of some pretty hard financial times, and our budget is so tight that it squeaks. So tight that it has an ugly muffin top, and I'm like "BUDGET, have some respect, no one wants to see that!"

It sucks. BUT, we're on the same team, and we're approaching this money puzzle with that in mind, and our relationship is thriving, which is wonderful.

R: Our marriage is as strong as ever, and when we're angry at each other...
A: When was the last time we were angry? I can't even remember!
R: Uh... yesterday.
A: What? When- OH. Right. (sheepish pause) But I'm not angry now, and that is what counts.
R: Wow.
A: What?! You are a lucky, lucky man.

And finally, some evidence of other children's joyful exuberance. This is over the Fourth of July, if I remember correctly.

Mason and Sawyer, stacking blocks in a very compact, precise way.

Little faces looking up, full of wonder like a cup...

... until someone set off some Black Cats, at which point they all pretended to get shot.

Ah, boys. (The spare fellow on the end is B's best friend, Gunnar.) This is what summer days are made of.

Capping off the day with a movie. Some are more interested than others.


Laurie said...

Budgets: Lack of money: IT happens and it builds character and brings you to prayer. We have all had many months where there just wasn't enough money! I keep telling my kids, it took us 33 years to get to where we are, you guys are already so far ahead of us at that age! Just press on, and be mindful of the way you spend and be grateful for each other! Enough said.

Grammie Perrine said...

I remember when B and I were first married. He got hurt at work and our deductible for prescriptions was only $1....and we didn't have it. I had to use an old silver certificate one dollar bill that we had found in our rolltop desk (and had tucked away) to pay for his meds....Addie, my darling, this, too shall pass.