Thursday, September 25, 2008

results of wiser eating habits

I came into work this morning to a chorus of "You look skinny!"

And they all (four of them) meant it. I only started exercising again on Tuesday, BUT I THINK IT'S WORKING. I usually don't start seeing results until, um...

Oh right. I usually give up long before I see results.


T said...

can i get me somma' that? i mean the skinny stuff.


Dana and Andrea Davenport said...

You should try pretending you're allergic to sugar, or (in my case) FRUIT! It does wonders, really.
Yes, when those things are eliminated from your diet you WILL feel like you are coming off crack. But once you get past the night tremors, cold sweats and wanting to scratch your eyes out, it’s totally brill!

Lol…congrats on fighting the good fight lady! Hang in there, stick it out, go, fight, win!

Love you!


Joy Joy said...

I'm so proud of you Ad! Yeah!!
Joy Joy