Sunday, May 17, 2009


  • people who do not care (or notice?) how silly and/or idiotic they sound on Facebook (where I notice it most)
  • excessive exclamation points!!!!! OMG!!!!!!
  • excessive emoticons :( though I once punctuated every sentence with one to annoy a friend :) and I use these enough in email and written correspondence that I annoy myself regularly :P
  • distractions, because they give Rob ample ammo to tease both me and B about.... wait, is that something shiny?!
  • mice in living quarters
  • autocomplete in my word processing software that thinks the word "can" is actually going to be "cannonballs"
  • living too much online, like I tend to do

1 comment:

Grammie Perrine said...

your comment about auto-complete and cannonballs made me laugh out loud. And I needed to laugh out loud. My new job is VERY stressful and I have resorted to drinking wine to sleep at night. And I actually prayed for a JOB... be careful what you wish for.