From the shower my lovely ladies from church put on for me. This is my dear friend and kindred spirit Kathleen. We couldn't be more different, or more similar.

My dear friend Catherine and her
acrostic. Notice all the esses?

More friends, signing up to help cater the wedding. As one gal put it, the food was delicious and well-made, well-displayed, well-consumed... and all of it was simply potluck. It still blows my mind that so many folks pulled our wedding off for us.

The photo from the post title. I blacked out her face, so she can't be mad, right? Plus, she has one of the most adorable pregnant bellies EVER.

"Jacqueline, thanks for taking pictures of the shower. Now get in one."
"Like this? We'll look like we're talking and having fun?"
"Or, I will look like I'm hitting on you."
"Or that."

"Blake, what are you doing?"
"I resting my nose."

We've been enjoying a boy of the bigger variety around the house. I'm not sure why setting up an espresso machine needs drills and eye protection, but it's not my job to ask questions.

Illustration done by one of the Bunko girls. I think it was Nichole? She is just so talented, I can't stand it.
My nose gets heavy sometimes too. Let Blake know he isn't alone.
I love the illustration, although, I'm fairly certain Liz's boobs are perkier and less Cruella Deville.
Addie, I just love to read your blog! It of course, is one of the highlights of my day! I am so enthralled with all the wit and charm that seems to just extrude from your family at all times! I am truly a fan of all things Addie!
I absolutely love the picture of the boys with their tools and eye protection. You just never know when a screw could come lose and hit you smack in the eye.
You should clarify that the drawing of Liz (who, come to think of it, also has an adorable pregnant belly... hmmm...) shows her holding her inseparable water bottle, not a beer can.
I didn't do that picture (yes I'm behind on reading your posts) I think it was Rachel C.
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