Wednesday, July 15, 2009

notches in my belt

I have had reason to talk about both big Blake and Rob in the same conversation a few times recently. It's not awkward, but I've run into a funny etymology question, because I find myself calling big B my late husband and R my current husband. Because evidently I plan on getting more, to be referred to as my future husband(s).

Or, I will say R is my new husband. Because I upgraded.

Ack! Any suggestions that don't make me sound so awful?

My living husband...

My redbearded husband...

My... husband.


Stephanie said...

I have a friend who raised all of her children with her husband who then died and she's been remarried for many years. She refers to them as her "first husband" and her "husband," or just by name.

Lonnie Smith said...

You could give Rob a nickname like "The Hurricane" or something and ONLY refer to him as that?

Rob Bedford said...

Awesome Lover!

Jess said...

call rob "the thing" that's my vote.