Uh, why are you party-goers in THIS area? We are here to BOUNCE!

Like this: Blake, Ryan, Sean, & Tjabe.

A cascade of blonde, red-faced fun. (Top to bottom: Ryan, Ellese, Blake)

Everyone had a great time, but I was completely wiped out afterwards, so I'm thinking that we'll do a party every other year. Or maybe every third. We'll take the years in between off as sabbaticals. Also, bah humbug!

Birthday singing was hilarious - the cookies didn't hold a candle well, plus I'd forgotten the lighter, so no candle at all. When everyone was done, he leaned forward with lips pursed, looked down, and burst out laughing. He chose the dog bone cookies and helped me bake them, I later topped them with cream cheese or browned butter frosting, and they were DELICIOUS and didn't require a fork or plate. Finally, B's face in this picture melts my heart. That kid is such a punkin!

At Parties 'R' Us, they let you put your handprint on the wall if you celebrate a birthday there. We've been going for a few months now, and the walls are accumulating many many prints. Blake chose yellow, then went over and slapped his hand to the wall:

Now he points it out to his cousins every time we go. I cannot believe I have a five-year-old, mostly because I'm still coming to terms with the fact that I am a mother. A MOTHER...

but clearly, I AM thirty.
You are a beautiful thiry and MOTHER. You have done a wonderful job raising that strong, brave man we call Blake! I adore those pink sunglasses-where did you get them?
Hey Addie, I found your blog and enjoy reading it. We had Kalli's birthday party there too and it was so fun! She loves to see her handprint when we go. I expected it to be an easy party but I was wiped out after the party. I have a blog too if you ever want to check it out. You can read about our little daughter that has the same name! Like you said I guess I'm glad you are a person that I like so you didn't ruin the name for me and I could name my daughter that too! Oh,by the way, if you read my blog no commenting on my poor grammar, as you are the grammar police. :)
Libbie Oberly
It appears to have been a beautiful, bouncy, beet-faced, birthday bash for Blake....plus mama Bedford clearly knows how to accessorize!
I can't stop laughing at that last picture of you.....it is so great!!! seriously I am still laughing
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