Rob, I, and Blake all got married. It's more than just me and Rob, though we were the only ones up there taking vows. It was a lovely celebration, not entirely off-the-cuff, but wholly delightfully fun. And I keep hearing the same from others, even the ones who signed up to help set up and tear down, which to me equals resounding success.
I'm not sure where to start. If you see below, I have old posts percolating that I'd like to discuss, but I don't think that will be enough for the friends who were unable to be here for all the party (don't worry, you didn't miss anything - does that make you feel any better?). So I'll start with Friday night, the 10th.
Rob, me, and a gaggle of friends and family went to the Beer Fest, which was just as much fun as I'd hoped, even though I was second-guessing the money spent to even attend, since beer just makes me sleepy and I was already at that point. Turns out the tasting glasses they give you are perfectly small, so you don't get TOO much, and the friends we met there invigorated me. Also, I can hold an astonishing (to me) amount of beer before feeling the effects. Maybe that's just because I wasn't counting, or because most everyone else around us was "effected," but I was half proud and half horrified that by the time I started drinking water, it wasn't because I was tipsy, but because I was thirsty for something else and because I wanted to be sure I could drive. The best beers were the Belgian white or wheats and the espresso porters or stouts. YUM. The worst beer was a saison from Yellowstone Brewing Company (same place we got our wedding kegs). It tasted just like CORNED BEEF. I made Kellie and Rob sample it to confirm, then threw it out. Also, I put our names in for a drawing where the grand prize was a trip to Florida, and they called today. We won. I am skeptical, but won't find out more until Monday because they called at a bad time, and I asked if I could call back. Did anyone else "win" that prize?
Saturday morning dawned to the sound of raucous conversation and laughter, so I figured Rob and his friend Lonnie were up and more friends had come over for coffee and breakfast. I got out into the living room (we were at S and A's house, since they traded me my condo for the weekend so everyone could stay together) and found just the Myers and Bedford parents. So they get along okay.
Rob's and my sisters all went to get our hair done, and I was snapped in a variety of unflattering poses:
Side note: Moms are awesome. They don't get enough credit for damn near anything, but they do damn near everything. I am not necessarily including myself in this, just giving a shout out to my rockin' hottie Momica. She's really amazing, and I don't tell her enough. So now I tell her AND the internet. Also, Mom, you're looking really skinny these days.
We did the picture scene for a bit, getting as many of cooperative folks as we could. There was not only my friend and boss, RJ, but Rob's friend, J, my brother-in-law, D, and one of Rob's cousins taking pictures with VERY nice cameras. Add to that all the friends and family with point-and-shoots, and we'll probably have about 2000 pictures of the day. To all of you out there: I WANT COPIES OF EVERY SINGLE ONE. But a CD with everything on it would be fine too. Where would I put 2000 pictures?!

After all the posed shots were done, folks broke for a meal. I'm not sure where everyone else went, but RJ, SJ, Blake, and I went to Taco Bell. Walking in with my full wedding regalia felt funny, but my empty tummy felt funnier. And the part that I was most self-conscious about wasn't so much the lovely white dress but my false eyelashes (a must-have for nice pics - they really make your eyes pop).
We got back and mingled, which was REALLY fun. No one expected to see me, and I was out and about all casual, hugging people, saying hi, locating my purse. Basic stuff. Everyone got settled as Pastor B declared "Rob and Addie can't wait ONE MORE MINUTE to get married, and they want to start on time, so please find a seat." I rounded up my boys, and we got all sorted out in the hallway at the back of the room, at which point Blake declared that he needed to go potty. Rob took him out the side door, some gravel was "watered," and we commenced. With Rob holding Blake in one arm and my hand, the strains of the theme from Star Wars filled the ballroom. Everyone stood and broke into cheers and applause, which promptly made me cry.

We left Blake with one of the many grandparents there, and the wedding began. Pastor B spoke on the covenant of marriage, on Psalm 27, and on the theme of answered prayer and God's perfect timing. Rob's sister Bethany sang Praise My Soul the King of Heaven, which is the same song I sang at church before big B and I moved to Los Alamos, and the same song that Lane, Reese, and I all sang at my cousin Hannah's wedding. As we said our vows, I began to cry, shaking at the suppressed tears (apparently some weren't sure if I was crying or laughing) and all the meaning and hopes and fears and dreams and prayers that were being answered or laid to rest as my beloved Rob swore himself to me and all my bumps and bruises. I made it through my vows as well, though I'm sure the video will show funny contortions of my face and mouth, trying to speak around all the emotion.
At one point, Rob asked if he could kiss me, and the answer was "not yet." Pastor B then languidly drew out the pronouncement of our union to laughs, finally declaring that Rob could kiss his bride (that's me!). I've seen one small video of this moment, and we look like a couple of celebrities with all the flashes going off. It's sweet (I'm biased) and a little embarrassing (why do you all love us so much?!). As we went down the steps, Blake ran up to hug me and walk with us. He ran into my ear and earring as I bent towards him, doubling up the impact. Both the pain and the embarrassment had him in tears and my full attention, especially when we got to the back of the room and he pulled his hand away from his bleeding nose. We dashed to the bathroom with the help of a friend, and Blake's tears disappeared as soon as he walked in and saw his face.
"Ooh, blood!" he exclaimed. The lower half of his face was smeared red, and the nose was still going. He was fine, none got on the dress, and I'm sure his wedding clothes will be fine, once I can find them to work on the stains. I was horrified that I gave my son a bloody nose at our wedding, but it makes a good story, and he was a trouper.
The rest was largely a blur. Rob and I got some alone time, I changed into a black cocktail dress, we cut cake, met people, delayed the first dance far too long (sorry folks), barely ate anything, barely drank any of the good beer or wine, were toasted by good friends, blessed by many, were entertained by all the kiddos. Molly made me cry (again) by referencing the toast Reese gave at my first wedding: Taste and see that the Lord is good. Psalm 34 also includes the verse that my aunt Gail gave me after big B died: The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. Molly tied it all together in the special and wise way that Molly has, praising God for saving my crushed spirit. And while she may not realize it, I used Psalm 34 in my toast at HER wedding (verses 1-3). It's just a good one, and I'm struck by God once again making a mockery of coincidences.
We had our last dance to Bad Company's Feel Like Makin' Love, and while friends and family sang along (I saw you, Catherine!) and blew bubbles at us, we suddenly cut and ran after the first chorus ("Feel like makin' love to you...") to surprise and laughter. From what I hear, there was an awkward pause when folks realized we weren't coming back. We hugged Blake goodbye on the way out and drove off into the rain.
The wedding was ALL I'd hoped it could be, and while I wish I'd given us more time by starting earlier, I also know that there's no way we could have spent the time we wanted with the friends and family who had come so far to see us. That part drives me nuts even now, but we are already planning trips to see those I barely met, or we barely spent time with. I had a large contingent of already-in-laws there, and while I know it was a difficult event for them, I was enormously blessed by their presence and can't wait to take Rob and Blake around to visit all of them too. The rest of the week was spent at some friends' cabin, and I'll post about that later. We couldn't have done ANY of the wedding the way we did without a ridiculous amount of help from our families and friends... and really, our friends carried the day. They set up. They tore down. They brought ALL the food. They cut cake. They picked up and dropped off kegs, coffee, tablecloths, wine, flowers. They loaned us their home(s). They loaned me my dress. They got me the wine at cost. They made the centerpieces. They handed out leftover cake at the end of the night. They or their kids entertained Blake. They kept me sane.
Thank you. We have been truly and well overwhelmed by the love that's been poured out on us. We are still trying to find places for the evidence of all that love. And I still have so much more to say, but now, off to put away more love.
Dear Ones, My spirit or soul or whatever it is that God has placed in us soared with rejoicing and quite a few tears as I read about your wedding day. I also laughed some, too! *smile* May your sacred union continue to blossom with His amazing grace. with love from Winter Park, Cathy Nutting
tears are streaming down my face and i'm praying that the family i am babysitting for doesn't walk in at this second. ummm ackward turtle!!
oh my how blessed i am to have shared in this day. you three are pretty darn (can i say darn momica?) cool! i love you all and look forward to loving on rob more. especially this summer when i live with ya'll :) tee hee!
I was there and didn't even know all that happened! Great wedding, Adds
Thank you so much for the great read. I too was in tears! We are so sad to have missed it, but you must be the happiest woman in the world! I love the black and white photo of the three of you walking down the aisle--especially Blake's HUGE grin!
FYI Ray and I also "won" the trip to Florida. They haven't called a second time yet but Ray checked the website: Could be a good way to see Florida as long as you understand the purpose of them offering you the trip. I know people who have gone.
We had a great time at your wedding. Everything was perfect and Naomi has promised me the pasta salad recipe.
Dearest Adele,
I was so glad to have been able to attend the wedding. Keith and the kids survived without me here, and I told him more than once how grateful I was and how grateful you were that I could be there for you on your special day! God is so good, and I'm so blessed to know you! May God continue to bless you all as you transition into becoming a family!
I agree with Aubyn, thanks for all the details! I think many people were crying as you started walking down the aisle, including myself! I am so happy for you and can't believe that a beer tasted like corned beef. Sick.
What an amazing event! I sooo wish we could have been there to experience it ourselves, but I look forward to hearing all about it in person...soon I hope. :)
Love you so much Mrs. B!
When you all are making your rounds, Jackson Hole, and the family B&B are a welcoming place.
Happy happy Mr. and Mrs.!!!!
Love and hugs.
I am wiping away tears. You look GORGEOUS and your genius at telling a tale is so perfect, I felt like I was there with you, Rob, Blake and your loving families. BTW - If the Florida trip peeps ask you to send $200 to a king in Nigeria, run the other way! kisses m
I am so sad I missed this great event! I too have tears of happiness and gratitude that God has allowed me to watch His work in your life. I love you dear friend. And I miss your face as well!! let me know when things settle a little and we will stop by on our way to Helena....yay!
Umm, may I just say that my singing along with the last song was meant solely as encouragement for the new couple's frankness?
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