Monday, August 17, 2009

little no name schuyler (who is now named sawyer)

Reese had a baby boy, and while I don't want to give away EVERYTHING (her story, after all!), I know it will be a while before she can compose a blog post. Sawyer Schuyler (no middle name yet) was born via C-section on Saturday morning, weighing 6 lbs, 14 ozs or something very close to that. Everyone is doing very well, and Reese is enjoying the comparative ease of doing everything just the one time.

Brand new baby boy.

A C-section wasn't what Reese had hoped for, but she was happy nonetheless: peaceful and calm, it was a very different birthing experience for her. Not one contraction!

Doting grandies.

With one of the Schuyler aunties.

Jenny was a little sick, and despite Reese's reassuring her that she didn't need to, donned a mask. Sometimes us aunties are more protective than the mommas!

1 comment:

Kate said...

Congratulations Reese, he's beautiful!