Wednesday, April 28, 2010

it's not that kind of questionable content

Statcounter reports that three to five people reach my blog each week via the search words "cheerful porn." This has been consistent enough that Rob finally Googled it too, and it turns out that my blog is the first result when searching that particular phrase.

Weird. I know precisely why a search turns me up - I posted almost a year ago about the ring tone on my new phone, and how it sounded like a cheerful porn soundtrack, and that I cannot help but dance whenever I hear it - but it's odd that I am the FIRST result for a phrase I used once. Of course, I couldn't help but post about the results on Facebook, and my blog hits off the keywords "cheerful porn" more than doubled overnight. Thanks, FRIENDS.

I imagine this post will only complicate matters, though I'm not sure how I could be any higher in the search results than I already am. It's all strangely funny, especially the responses to my post in FB, but I do hope that those who get here from there are disappointed when they arrive and promptly leave.

Otherwise... um... EWWWW.


Libbie said...

That is hilarious. It makes me think of a gag gift I got a last year. It is called "Porn for Women." It has a bunch of pictures of men cleaning the house, cooking, etc.(oh and they are fully clothed in case I am not describing this right) It is so funny I should pass it along to my "cheerful porn" friend. :)

By the way, do you pay to have a more specific stat counter. Mine just tells me how many hits a week.


Rob Bedford said...

Questionable Content is an extremely fun online-comic. ;-)

Ranks right up there with XKCD, but a totally different style of humour.

Gailzee said...

This had me rolling on the floor! You have got to be one of the "luckiest" people on the www!

Catherine said...

At least it's "cheerful" porn.

Hannah said...

I'm trying not to laugh TOO loud or I'll wake up the baby. This is pretty f&$*ing funny.

leblogdelossmiths said...

trying not to think of what cheerful porn might look like...