The rare, strictly nocturnal (and clearly confused) long-eared owl. I think it may have been hunting at my bird feeder. I don't mind raptors doing this, but cats are another matter. In fact, this guy landed in a shrub over top of a dozing cat, and that kitty never looked so attentive. You could imagine what it was thinking as it woke up, "Ooh, sounds like lunch... HOLY SHIT, THAT THING IS HUGE! ...
If I hold very very still, maybe it won't notice me and eat me."

Such a pretty momma! I got to go to Billings to meet the newest installment to our family. Despite being a 10 lb, 7 oz baby, Jetty was still a wee little munchkin bundle, perfectly dear but for his nasty toots.

Grammie with grandson #6. As a friend pointed out, my folks seem to appear younger and younger with the birth of each grandchild.

They were being cowboys, but Maddox tossed his hat off just before I snapped this, the stinker.

That sound you hear is just my ovaries throbbing. It's cool.

I got to take part in a Glow in the Dark golf tourney in September. Well, I got to walk around with the Vann's team. It was HUGELY fun, despite being asked about my
Twitter account and then "innocently" queried about who was the nympho in our marriage. Rob gave me his hat from the event, and I get compliments on it every single time I wear it. In fact, Rob saw this photo, said, "That's cute! Which boyfriend is it for? Will you email that to me? Will you email it seconds from now please?"

I took the twins home after church one Sunday, where they enjoyed the fort Blake and I had built and all the toys that Blake's forgotten about but they love, and they took champion naps only to wake up laughing along with B to
Shaun the Sheep. They were all rather hostile to the idea of a photo, and I think Blake's not so much smiling as he is baring his teeth in a show of aggression.
Ummm... I noticed the photos of you are adorable and engaging and the pic of Laney-Bird looks like she is ready to hurl...could this be a spiteful payback from a sibling spat?
Thanks Addie. I really wanted the world to see that face. It is my version of the facebook, pursed lips pose, how am I doing?
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