I cannot remember what I was cooking, but it was very steamy - probably spaghetti. Blake called me over to see his artwork and at first I thought "NO! I have to clean that!" and then I remembered that we took the condo off the market, so I cheered him on and asked for him to pose with his handiwork.

The pooping face. It's the fakest smile I've ever seen on the kid, so I'm hoping to have better luck on retake day! The photo of the photo doesn't look as bad as the original, so maybe you'll have to trust me!

A Halloween dinosaur/dragon!

Joel the monkey, Kale the dragon, and Mason and Smith, the hunters. Blake was a ninja (all black on Halloween with no glo-stick or reflective tape?! -10 points for Mom), but was finishing dinner and did not make this shot.

Our first trick or treat house. They came running down the steps to all the parents: "We just rang the bell and said 'Trick or treat' and they gave us CANDY! Can we go to another house?!" And from then on, it never ceased to amaze and surprise each one of them that all they needed to do was go to the houses with lights on, be cute, and come away with free candy.

You can barely see the ninja!
We got home and discovered a very very slightly loose tooth, leaving Blake breathlessly declaring to me, hands clenched into fists that trembled with the force of his words: "TODAY IS THE BEST DAY EVER!!!"
Of course you can barely see the ninja! That's the point of ninja-ness
I like Blakes picture. Keep it.
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