Sunday, May 22, 2011

blake's on a two-wheeler!

I am quite possibly the laziest parent ever. I delayed attempting to toilet-train Blake because I just wanted him to "get it," without a bunch of clean-up on my part. Believe me when I say that I have paid DEARLY for that decision, in years and years of dealing with clean-up (not on the floor - USUALLY - but in the britches) anyway. Who's the fool now?

I took a similar tack with two-wheelers. Running after one, hoping he got the feeling of balance while I exhausted myself sounded suspiciously like work. I kept training wheels on for a ridiculous amount of time, finally getting embarrassed at the tiny bikers pedaling themselves furiously to school. Last summer, I borrowed a pedal-less bike from the Bozeman Bike Kitchen and told Blake it was his ghetto version of a (pricey) Strider Bike. I will call it the g-strider.

He loved it, whipping round corners on the sidewalk, running himself ragged and getting tired rather quickly. Still, when I asked if he was ready to pedal like his friend (fully nine months younger), he was confident that he would be on his g-strider forever.

B: "I think we should go on a bike ride. I'll just use my Strider bike."
A: "I will not go on a bike ride when you're on that. You won't be able to keep up. I WILL go on a ride if you're on your pedal bike."
B: "I am pretty sure I should bike to school on my Strider bike."
A: "What part of what I just said didn't make sense to you?"

We were all outside today, and he beelined for the g-strider bike, looking at me. I shook my head and pointed to the Transformers bike that he got as a gift for our wedding. Crestfallen, he wheeled it out and started trying to use it like his beloved g-strider, which, predictably, didn't work. I told him to get comfortable with it on the flat part of the sidewalk while Rob and I worked on some things in the garage.

Suddenly, we hear a loud "WHOOP!" We look at each other and smile, and I walked to the door just as Blake rolled by, wobbly and cautious, but definitely pedaling.



Grammie Perrine said...

Blake can ride... like the wind! COOLIO!

Sharon said...

Shows great persistence, Addie!

samh said...

This is the second success story from people I know directly who have basically let their kids teach themselves how to ride a bicycle. I have taken to wondering what parents are thinking (not thinking) when I see them with a child on training wheels. Free your wheels and the mind will follow!

Noel said...

Yay, Blake!

Reese said...

I love this. And I love that you used the word "crestfallen". I also enjoyed Samh's EnVogue reference. All around good.