Tuesday, May 15, 2012

picture post

 My two best boys, learning more about Transformer Jazz.

 Took two years, but I rebloomed an orchid, baby! Next time I hope to get more than one flower. Now I want to collect orchids and be surrounded by their strange and exotic beauty all the time.

 "You can't eat Gunner, Mom. He's my best friend." -Sawyer

 I saw this print at Target and had a brilliant idea for the upstairs bathroom...

 And my friend Michelle made it happen and even helped me install it. And by "helped," I mean "did it all by herself while I cracked jokes and teased her son, who asked if I had a baby in my belly, to which I said yes, to which he asked if I had eaten my baby."

 Blake now loves Monopoly. Mom tried to send it home with us, like a crafty, crafty, naughty girl, and I said NO! It's way more special when he doesn't have it always close at hand and I don't have to play every day. Also, I learned that the kid is tight fisted when it comes to pretend money.

 But not other people's money! Grammie Gee sent some down with Aunt Ernie, who added her own to the stash, and we took Blake to Target and let him pick out what he wanted. Ernie kept a tally in her head and let him know when he was close to maxing out. As we walked away from the toy department with several LEGOs, a double-sided light saber, and I honestly don't remember what else, Blake let out of a huff of air and said, "Wow. I am REALLY getting spoiled today."

Yeah, you are, honey. But the fact that you recognize it makes it okay.

Gunner George, chilling out maxing relaxing all cool with his newsboy hat.

 Sawdog, pants optional on this hot sunny day. 

Uncle Dan-O and Blake, chillin' on the porch.

Blake, proudly showing off his new, queen-sized bed (Rob and I figured he's going to be tall like Daddy Blake and didn't mess around with the full-sized mattress, plus we can use this one for guests if need be: COME VISIT!).

He cleaned his room and Erin willingly documented the tidy evidence.

Biking to the park.

Before they left, Dan helped Rob both bottle one batch of home brew and whip up a second batch. He had so much fun that he promptly went home to Calgary and used equipment he already had to make his OWN home brew. These guys were all so cute that I had to take a picture of them taking pictures. :)

Blake's contribution to the thank you note we sent to Dan and Erin after their visit. Yeah, so it made me cry. I blame the pregnancy hormones and the incredible sweetness this little man is capable of.

1 comment:

Grammie Perrine said...

owl be watching you....Funny!